Callaeum macropterum is a vine in the Malpighiaceae family. Callaeum macropterum is vine occurring from Texas to Mexico, Central America, and South America
Callaeum macropterum is cultivated as ornamentals in Arizona and California. Yellow Orchid Vine is sold as an ornamental landscape plant, it is hardy and can withstand temperatures to 24 F (-4C). In gardens this plant needs to be pruned to control size
Scientific Name: Callaeum macropterum
Common Name: Yellow Orchid Vine
Also Called: Butterfly Pea Vine, Hillyhock, Yellow Butterfly Vine (Spanish; Aparigua, Gallinita, Guirote)
Family: Malpighiaceae, Barbados Cherry Family
Synonyms: (Mascagnia macroptera, Stigmaphyllon ciliatum)
Duration: Perennial
Size: Up to 30 feet and 15 feet or more across.
Growth Form: Vine; erect, readily twining but spreading or trailing (scandent) if not supported.
Leaves: Green, leaves opposite, evergreen, glabrous, simple, deciduous, leaves ovate to elliptic, about 2 or 3 inches long and 1 inch wide.
Flower Color: Yellow; in clusters of 5, corolla with 5 petals, fruits papery, resemble butterflies when fully developed.
Flowering Season: Spring through summer.
Habitat Preferences: Dry forests and fence rows, rocky slopes, rocky washes, edges of arroyos, hillsides and sandy plains.
Recorded Range: Yellow Orchid Vine is native to northern Sonora and Baja California, and most of Central and South America.
پیچک ارکیده زرد گیاهی پیچکی با گلهای زرد از خانواده مالپیگی است
تحمل سرما تا منفی 4 درجه سانتیگراد را در زمستان دارد ولی برای رشد جایی گرم و خشک را ترجیح میدهد