Afzelia quanzensis is a very attractive, medium-sized, deciduous tree, with bright green leaves that turn to an attractive yellowish colour in autumn. Its upright crown also complements its beauty, and the somewhat drooping branches resemble a eucalypt from a distance.
The light red-brown wood of the pod mahogany is hard and has a good grain. It has been used for building, making plywood, furniture, panelling and for flooring. Furniture made from this wood is traded under the name chamfuti. Wood is termite and borer resistant and can therefore be used for corner poles for fencing. The largest specimens of this species in South Africa have been felled and cut up for railway sleepers.
A root infusion provides a remedy for bilharzia and for certain eye complaints. An infusion made from roots and bark is believed to bring huntsmen luck if they wash with it. This infusion needs to be steeped overnight to be effective. Powdered bark mixed with one’s own body oil is believed to ward off attacks and bad luck.
درخت پیله ماهاگونی یا پیله ماهون درختی از خانواده باقلاییان است
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