General Informations
what exactly is “little” about this variety. It is the largest cape gooseberry I know. And big is beautiful: this berry is really a whole mouth-full; children have to eat them in two or three bites. The aroma is slightly less intense than Peters Beste, but the fruits are fruiter and juicer – perhaps this is also due to the sheer size of them. The cape gooseberry (Big) Little Buddha will trigger a wow effect by every gardener that sees and enjoys this unfamiliar, large berry for the first time.
Fruits: Yellow-orange, large, two or three times as large as Peters Beste, the fruit has a round-flat shape; very good texture, a beautiful and rewarding eating experience! When do you ever get such big berries between your teeth?
Taste: Fruity flavour, fruitier than Peters Beste (probably because it has more sourness), but slightly less aromatic; it has the same flavour elements as Peters Beste: coconut and a vanilla finish.
Growth: Somewhat loose and higher than Peters best, up to 200 cm high
Care: Physalis can be grown successfully as an annual; it flowers and bears fruit in the same year. Cape gooseberries are perennial in their natural habitat; they are not hardy in our region, however the plants can be overwintered in a bright location at about 10-15°C.
Fertilisation: little or no fertiliser; too much fertiliser leads to vigorous growth and Physalis forms fewer flowers and fruits
Location: sunny; Physalis is an extremely warmth-loving plant
Harvest: From mid-July, somewhat later than for Peters Beste
Use: for snacking directly from the plants, salads and desserts, for decoration. The fruits are rich in vitamin A, also in vitamin B and vitamin C.