Tetracera daemeliana, commonly known as large-leaved fire vine, is a vine in the family Dilleniaceae endemic to Queensland, Australia, with a stem diameter of up to 12 cm (4.7 in). The flowers are pleasantly perfumed. The large-leaved fire vine is endemic to northeastern Queensland and Cape York Peninsula, from around the Mission Beach area to the tip of Cape York. It grows in beach forest, monsoon forest, gallery forest and lowland rainforest
پیچک تتراسرا گونه ای بالارونده ازخانواده سیب فیلیان بومی استرالیا است
گلها سفید و بسیار خوشبو هستند
میوه ها الیافی قرمز رنگ دارند که بذر داخل آن را احاطه کرده است