Merremia hederacea the Ivy Woodrose is a climbing or prostrate herb, with stems slender, hairless or velvety, often minutely spotted, occasionally rooting at the nodes. Leaves are ovate in outline, 1.5–5 cm long, 1.25–4 cm wide, blunt at the tip, heart-shaped at the base at the base, entire, toothed, or shallowly to deeply 3-lobed. Leaf stalks are 0.5–6 cm long. Flowers are borne singly or several in lax, branched clusters, on stalks 1–10 cm long. Flower stalks are 2–4 mm long. Sepals are obovate to spatula-shaped, outer 3.5–4 mm long, inner up to 5 mm long, notched at the tip. Flowers are yellow or white, bell-shaped, 6–12 mm long, smooth outside, hairy inside at the base. Capsule is round or conic, somewhat 4-angled, 5–6 mm. Ivy Woodrose is widespread in Asia and Africa. The native range of this species is Tropical & Subtropical Old World to Pacific. It is a climbing herbaceous tree and grows primarily in the seasonally dry tropical biome. It is used as animal food and a medicine
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