Caryota maxima is endemic to China South-Central, China Southeast, Hainan, Jawa, Northern Vietnam, Laos, Malaya, Myanmar, Sumatera, Thailand, and Vietnam. To elevations of 2200 meters. As its name suggests, this is a very large palm, up to 33 m. tall, with a very long smooth crownshaft. The leaves are dull green, with drooping leaflets. Stem: Solitary, upright, to 30-33 m. tall, and 30 cm. in diameter, older palms ringed with slender, widely-spaced leaf scars Leaves: Bipinnate, induplicate, to 5 m. long, with dull green, pendulous leaflets growing in one plane. The leaflets are obdeltoid and praemorse. Inflorescences are massive, 1-1.5 m. long with many pendant branches with staminate flowers and pistillate flowers on the same inflorescence. Fruits are up to 2.5 cm. long and pink to dark reddish-purple when ripe
نخل دم ماهی هیمالیایی یا نخل کاریوتا ماکسیما گونه ای کمیاب از نخل کاریوتا بومی آسیا است
همان طور که از اسم ماکسیما پیداست این نخل تا 30 متر رشد میکند و بسیار بزرگ و بلند میشود
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