Cyrtostachys loriae is a rather large, solitary cousin of the famed Sealing Wax Palm(Cyrtostachys renda), widespread in lowland swamp and rainforest, lower montane heath forests and tropical savanna from the Bird’s Head Peninsula of New Guinea eastward to the Solomon Islands to 400 m (1300 ft.). Its smooth trunk can grow to 30 m (100 ft.) tall and reach 30 cm (12 in.) in diameter. The spherical crown is held by a yellowish to light green crownshaft. The large, leathery leaves are whitish below and have practically no leaf stalks. Even though it would make a magnificent ornamental for the humid tropics, this species is little known in cultivation and only present in a handful of specialist collections. Several other Cyrtostachys have recently been reduced to synonymy with one variable Cyrtostachys loriae, namely C. brassii, C. kisu, C. microcarpa, C. peekeliana and C. phanerolepis
نخل گپ گونه ای نخل نایاب و فوق کمیاب بومی جزایر سلیمان در شمال شرقی کشور استرالیا است
نخل گپ Cyrtostachys loriae خویشاوند نزدیک نخل رژلبی مشهور Cyrtostachys renda است
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