General Informations
Ward’s Dendrobium (Dendrobium wardianum) – Endemic In Thailand
Flower Size to 4″ [to 10 cm]
A widespread in Thailand and Vietnam as a medium to large sized, cool growing, epiphytic or lithophytic species found in broadleaf, evergreen, lowland forests at altitudes of 1000 to 2000 meters with erect to pendulous, terete, nodally thickened, to 2′ [to 60 cm] long stems carrying deciduous, oblong-lanceolate, acute leaves that blooms in the winter with 1 to 3 fragrant, longlasting flowers on very short racemes that arise all along last years leafless canes.
This species needs a definite dry period through the winter months to insure proper blooming and it can be repotted after it’s spring blooming when the new growth should appear.