General Informations
Rivina humilis is a species of flowering plant in the family Petiveriaceae. It was formerly placed in the pokeweed family, Phytolaccaceae. It can be found in the southern United States, the Caribbean, Central America, and tropical South America. Common names include pigeonberry, rougeplant, baby peppers, bloodberry, and coralito. it is valued as a shade-tolerant groundcover. It is also grown as a houseplant and in greenhouses.
The juice made from the berries was used as a dye and ink at one time. The berries contain a pigment known as rivianin or rivinianin, which has the IUPAC name 5-O-β-D-Glucopyranoside, 3-sulfate, CAS number 58115-21-2, and molecular formula C24H26N2O16S. It is very similar to betanin, the pigment found in beets. The fruit also contains the betaxanthin humilixanthin.
The juice of the berries have been tested and is safe to eat and consume.