Borassus aethiopum is a species of Borassus palm from Africa. In English it is variously referred to as African fan palm, African palmyra palm, deleb palm, ron palm, toddy palm, black rhun palm. It is widespread across much of tropical Africa from Senegal to Ethiopia and south to northern South Africa, though it is largely absent from the forested areas of Central Africa and desert regions such as the Sahara and Namib. This palm also grows in northwest Madagascar and the Comoros
The fruit is edible, as are the tender roots produced by the young plant; fibers can be obtained from the leaves; and the wood (which is reputed to be termite-proof) can be used in construction
نخل پالمیرا آفریقایی گونه ای از نخل است که میوه های خوراکی دارد
همچنین مردم محلی آفریقا برای ساخت خانه از شاخه های این نخل استفاده میکنند
از برگ های این نوع نخل در آفریقا الیاف محکمی تهیه می شود که در زندگی مردم محلی کاربرد دارد