Brassiophoenix is a monoecious genus of flowering plant in the palm family found in Papua New Guinea. The genus name is a combination of the surname Brass, honoring the first collector L.J. Brass, and Phoenix, another palm genus
Brassiophoenix grow to around 9 m in height on 8 cm trunks culminating in 60 cm tall, slightly bulging crownshafts and sparse leaf crowns. The stiff, unarching leaves are pinnate to 2 m in length, petioles short or absent, the pinnae being regularly spaced and diamond-shaped, 30 cm long and dark green in color. The leaflets are thrice lobed, the center lobe being deepest, forming unusual jagged apices. The inflorescences emerge from beneath the crownshaft, twice branched, with furry ropes of male and female flowers. Brassiophoenix fruit matures to yellow, orange in color, each with one seed
نخل براسیو فینیکس گونه ای کمیاب از نخل بومی گینه نو است
تنه بلند و باریک با برگهای متقارن زیبا و بلند دارد
میوه ها زرد رنگ و بسیار ترش آبدار و خوشمزه میباشند ( دقیقا شبیه طعم گوجه سبز ) تجربه شخصی خودم از میوه های این نخل هست
هر میوه یک دانه پره دار دارد دانه ها کاملا متمایز از دانه دیگر نخل ها هستند